Mechanic's Institute, playing room, San Francisco, California, USA March 2001
The Charles Linklater Memorial
Mechanic's Institute lecture hall, San Francisco, California, USA March 2001
The Shulmans
Mechanic's Institute, San Francisco, California, USA March 2001
Yermolinsky at work
Mechanic's Institute, San Francisco, California, USA March 2001
The Charles Linklater Memorial
Mechanic's Institute, San Francisco, California, USA March 2001
The Charles Linklater Memorial
Mechanic's Institute, San Francisco, California, USA March 2001
The Charles Linklater Memorial
Mechanic's Institute, San Francisco, California, USA March 2001
4NCL Hall, 2001
Emms & Levitt, 4NCL, 2001
GM Chandler, 4NCL, 2001
GM Chris Ward, 4NCL, 2001
GM Mark Hebden, 4NCL, 2001
WGM Lalic, 4NCL, 2001
WGM Hunt, 4NCL, 2001
McShane-Golod, Politiken Cup, Copenhagen 2000.
Short at 4NCL, 2001
The playing hall in Frankfurt, 2000
Round 3 Kramnik vs Morozevich, Frankfurt, 2000
Kramnik vs Morozevich, Frankfurt, 2000
Shirov vs Kasparov, Frankfurt, 2000
Anand vs Leko,
Frankfurt, 2000
Kasparov vs Kramnik, Frankfurt, 2000
World's No. 2 kibitzer?! Vladimir Kramnik, interfering with the post-mortem of the Morozevich-Short game in Wjik aan Zee 2000. :-)
Corus Tournament, post-mortem of between Short and Morozevich, Wijk aan Zee, 2000
Borgo - Flear, St. Vincent 2000.
GM Dorfman (St. Vincent 2000)
Benjamin - Gufeld, (last round of of Las Vegas 2000.)
Blatny - Wojetkiewicz (Las Vegas 2000) Early stage of the game, which finished last in the National Open (draw).
WGM Kahiani in BL (2000)
GMs Baburin and Enders, BL match (2000)
4NCL being played between Slough (1st place) and Wood Green (2 place.)
1999-2000 season
4NCL being played between Slough (1st place) and Wood Green (2 place.) 1999-2000 season.
GM Shipov, when he is not writing for KasparovChess (Isle of Man 1999)
Trying to look solid.
(GM Alexander Baburin). :-)
Isle Of Man, 1999
Isle of Man 1999 Hebden-Baburin - not my favourite game! :-)
Isle of Man 1999, Short-Psakhis. Lev erred badly later in this game...
The tournament which went wrong... ( GM Short in the Isle of Man Open 1999)
Isle of Man 1999, Tiviakov-Baburin. Dutchman vs. Irishman game! :-)
Winner of the Isle of Man Open 1999 - GM Sutovsky
One minute before 1 e4 Nf6 :-)
Isle Of Man, 1999
Akira Watanabe, guest columnist from Japan (Alex Baburin's site).
Bavaria Masters Tournament Hall, 1999
GM Ponomariov - probably the youngest GM in the world! :-) Bavaria 1999
GM Ponomariov in action.
Bavaria, 1999
Identity of Agent 005 revealed! (GM Novikov)
Bavaria 1999
US chess hitman in Bavaria - dangerous! (GM Shabalov) Bavaria, 1999
Getting lucky in the King's Gambit (Shabalov-Smagin) Bavaria, 1999
"What are you talking about, Alex?!" (Post-mortem between GMs Smagin and Shabalov) Bavaria, 1999
GM Conquest vs GM Knaak - long game (Stuart nearly missed the plane! But he resigned just on time...)
BL season 1999/2000
GMs Rogers (not clearly visible!) and Dautov. BL season 1999/2000
GM David (Luxembourg)
BL season 1999/2000
GM Babula
BL season 1999/2000
Our man in Chessbase - GM Rainer Knaak :-)
BL season 1999/2000
GM Hodgson (famous Grandmaster of Disaster and Mr. Tromp himself)
BL season 1999/2000
"Czech" corner in BL - GMs Hracek and Babula analysing. BL season 1999/2000
GMs Hodgson and Conquest (loitering around in Bremen airport) BL season 1999/2000.
Baburin - Kengis (Of course, it's the Alekhine Defence again!)
BL season 1999/2000
Two Russian speakers - IM Yanick Pelletier (Switzerland) and GM Alexander Baburin (Ireland).
BL season 1999/2000
'English' post-mortem - GMs Gallagher, Hodgson and King.
BL season 1999/2000
GM Paul van der Sterren in BL (1999)
BL season 1999/2000
GMs Rozentalis & Hracek.
BL season 1999/2000
BL 1999-2000 season
Alex in LA, 1997
FM Stephen Brady and Alex in Armenia (1996)
Alex in Yerevan (1996). Nice people and good brandy there!
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